
Welcome to Laurie Goodman's blog. I use this space to share news and opinions about education and schools in Ridgewood, the state of New Jersey and the nation, in addition to other issues I'm personally interested in. I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, questions or opinions, too, by posting comments on any blog entry. Please observe basic courtesy -- keep your comments focused on issues, no personal attacks or bullying, please. Contact me directly at: lauriegood@mac.com

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


chirp...chirp...chirp....that's the sound of crickets...as in silence. I was going to find a sound file of crickets chirping and add it to this blog so that when people visit, that's what they hear. But seriously, folks, I know you're visiting. The stat counter shows dozens of you are stopping by every day. Does anyone have a question? A comment? An observation? A joke? I would love to hear it!

I'll be posting some news from the high school tomorrow. I went to both the RHS HSA meeting Tuesday night and the Freshman Parents Meeting last night, so I think I'll share some observations. Too tired now...see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

You never answered my question about posting the complete, detailed breakdown of the RPS budget on line in a PDF form.

It is public information. It was to be posted, at least that is what Porter told us at a taxpayers meeting. Of course, Hutton was opposed to it at the time and one would guess he still is.

You can either can be seen as a reformer or just more of the same here.

Laurie Goodman said...

It's being worked on. I'll let you know when it's there.

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed that more the RHS teachers do not utilize Blackboard. My daughter is a 10th grader and only two of nine teachers use it. Blackboard is an innovative way to involve parents in their kids' education. What's the reason so few use it?

Anonymous said...

My son uses a version of Blackboard called eChalk at Don Bosco.

It works wonderfully when he is absent because all his teachers use it religiously.

Anonymous said...


The budget is now posted on the BOE's website.

One needs to key in the search word "budget" to readily find it.

Laurie Goodman said...

I assume by "religiously" you mean no pun intended? haha couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ha ha. But what's the answer to the question posed by 8:37? Is use of this technology tool optional?

Laurie Goodman said...

2:34 PM, yes the budget is posted. And it is not hard to find nor is a search necessary. Simply click on Board of Ed and then click Budget on the left hand side of the page.

Laurie Goodman said...

<< 2:50: Yeah, ha ha. But what's the answer to the question posed by 8:37? Is use of this technology tool optional?>>

I do not believe the use of Blackboard is mandatory for teachers. Principal Jack Lorenz could let you know what the high school's policy is and you could let him know your feelings jlorenz@ridgewood.l12.nj.us

Anonymous said...

Re 6:54 response:

Thanks, I'll contact Mr. Lorenz with the same question. But let's assume he says the same thing as you have..that Blackboard is optional for teachers. At what time does the BoE decide that investments in "optional use" technology are pointless? I mean, really, if there should be a mandate for this group of pampered teachers it is that the use of the best and most advanced teaching methods available to them MUST be used. If Blackboard is, in fact, not a positive teaching tool, get rid of it and save some money. This is the kind of crap that happens in this district all the time and all parties throw up their hands as if nothing can be done to change it. I voted for you becuase you represented hope for a difference.

Laurie Goodman said...

oops, sorry, typo in that email address. should be jlorenz@ridgewood.k12.nj.us

Laurie Goodman said...

Hi 8:03, I appreciate your vote back in April, and I appreciate you sharing your feelings about Blackboard. I totally understand your frustration -- my daughter uses Blackboard in college and you're right there's a lot of untapped potential there.

I also want to thank you for engaging in a dialogue here (I wish some other parents would share their perspectives, too), I have to remind you that I'm just one member of the Board, legally required not to run the schools, but to set policy. Before you spend any more time arguing with what you assume Mr. Lorenz MIGHT say, I strongly urge you to make your feelings known directly to him. If you are not satisfied with his answer, then escalate "up the chain" to Dr. Fishbein. Or come to a Board meeting. I am not blowing you off; the system is set-up so that this is actually the best means you have for getting a resolution.

In the meantime, I welcome the discussion and I would love to hear more parents thoughts re: Blackboard.