
Welcome to Laurie Goodman's blog. I use this space to share news and opinions about education and schools in Ridgewood, the state of New Jersey and the nation, in addition to other issues I'm personally interested in. I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, questions or opinions, too, by posting comments on any blog entry. Please observe basic courtesy -- keep your comments focused on issues, no personal attacks or bullying, please. Contact me directly at: lauriegood@mac.com

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friend, can you spare some CHANGE?

Oh thank goodness. There's hope yet. Congratulations, America.

And can I just say, NBC's computer-generated set was pretty cool.

And, boy do I miss Tim Russert.


Anonymous said...

Change? What change? Rahm Emanuel, the guy who served as Enabler in Chief for the Clinton Administration, will serve as The Messiah's gatekeeper. Think any new ideas, or non Democratic ideas, will ever reach the Big Guy? Doubtful.

Other cabinet hopefuls: John Kerry for Defense? A blue-blooded whiner from Baaahhhston who couldn't make up his own mind on Iraq when it really counted the first time. That's a good counselor for the threats we face as a nation?

Robert Reich for Treasury? Hello to another Clintonista. Or worse, John Corzine, a Dem who hasn't been able to accomplish three things on his own New Jersey To Do List. No new thinking there either. Just bucks and boy, I'd like to see how much Corzine really paid for his ticket to Washington.

I could go on quite a bit just on the news from Camp Obama that I heard today.

I had really hoped that Obama would bring some new blood into the battle and get rid of some of these oldtime hacks. I guess I should have known better when he named Joe "The Mad Gaffer" Biden to sit as his Veep. Certainly no new thoughts in that head, which he proved repeatedly on the campaign trail until Obama pulled the plug on his mike. The plugs in his head I'm not so sure about...

Laurie Goodman said...

What change? How about change from a government of secrecy, disdain for the middle class (and human rights), and diminishing personal freedoms to one of hope, healthcare reform, ENDING THE WAR, honesty, trust, you know, dusty old concepts like that.

You may not feel those few little announcements (or speculations) from today don't offer enough change from the Clinton years, but my friend I'd take those years in a heartbeat if I could just erase the past 8-year nightmare.

Anonymous said...

My point, and I think you rode right past it on your way to the Hate Bush Rally, is that for someone who preached "Change," The One hasn't really put in place those people who have ever advocated change. I'm not talking about a change in administrations. That's the easy part. And when you raise $700 million from some pretty questionable sources it can be even easier. What we need is for people to make a commitment to real change. Like telling the teachers' unions that their way doesn't work anymore (if it ever did). That state and federal workers need to pay more of their share because the tradition of comping benefits like huge pensions and retirement packages to make up for lack of pay are anachronistic. Like reforming the welfare communities that all our major cities have become while under a Democratic stranglehold. The old ways, including those Republican ideals that you so impotently rail against in your screed above, need to be tossed. Emanuel, Biden, Reich, Corzine, Kerry, et al., aren't going to get us there. I thought he would have friends with more integrity. He promised as much. He needs to move from talking points to taking action. His first announcements disappoint this supporter.

Laurie Goodman said...

Look, You may have some points, which I would love to discuss if I had time, but my original post (screed? come on, it's 2008) was simply about changing out of the right wing twilight zone of the past 8 years. There will undoubtedly come a time when I'll have criticisms of Obama, but geez, it's day 1, don't be such a buzzkill. Can't I just be happy for a couple days?