
Welcome to Laurie Goodman's blog. I use this space to share news and opinions about education and schools in Ridgewood, the state of New Jersey and the nation, in addition to other issues I'm personally interested in. I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, questions or opinions, too, by posting comments on any blog entry. Please observe basic courtesy -- keep your comments focused on issues, no personal attacks or bullying, please. Contact me directly at: lauriegood@mac.com

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

News from the BF HSA

Went to the BF HSA meeting this morning -- it's always nice to see so many (30?) parents come to these meetings and get involved. There was discussion about Super Science Saturday (3/7 at RHS), about 6th grade camp and the 7th grade trip to Washington, D.C. There was discussion about the proposal to move the RHS track to BF and what impact that could have on the school. The first (annual?) Snowball Social for parents was last week and reports are that it was a big success. Principal Tony Orsini talked about an initiative he is working on with teachers to make the grading process more consistent and more useful for parents, students and teachers. The parents in attendance discussed the challenges of grades and report cards -- the idea that some things are not as easily quantifiable as others, the fact that parents don't always understand what grades mean, the concern that different teachers grade using different philosophies, and how to separate the "learning" from the "grading." It was a pretty interesting discussion and something to think about. Glad to see them working on this at BF.

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