
Welcome to Laurie Goodman's blog. I use this space to share news and opinions about education and schools in Ridgewood, the state of New Jersey and the nation, in addition to other issues I'm personally interested in. I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, questions or opinions, too, by posting comments on any blog entry. Please observe basic courtesy -- keep your comments focused on issues, no personal attacks or bullying, please. Contact me directly at: lauriegood@mac.com

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I hate to even reference the Ridgewood Blog, but one interesting topic was raised over there this week: it started, I think, with someone complaining about how not enough teachers, at the middle school and high school levels, use Blackboard. Are you familiar with Blackboard? It's a web-based service for students and teachers, primarily. The idea is that teachers can post assignments, links to research, interesting and/or helpful info, grades, study calendar, etc. Students access Blackboard and get assignments, turn-in homework, see grades, send messages to their teacher or post messages for online class discussions, etc. I think it has great potential. My daughter's college -- and many, many colleges -- use it for everything from classwork, extracurricular activities, tuition payment, grades, etc. I'd like to hear what you think about Blackboard...does your child use it? Do they/you have any problems accessing Blackboard from home? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

"Hate" the Ridgewood Blog.

Why because its readers weren't buying the BS you were shoveling their way.

Laurie Goodman said...

Hi, nice to meet you Anonymous. ;) Just to clarify, I said I hated to reference the Ridgewood Blog. But if you'd like to have a civil dialogue over here about something in particular re: our schools or me or whatever, you are welcome.

Laurie Goodman said...

Sorry if I was a tad sarcastic earlier this evening. It was a long, hot commute home today. But I do wonder...do you have an opinion on the Blackboard issue or electronic learning resources in general? I am genuinely curious as to how people feel about where we're at right now. What has your experience been? Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Why do you hate the Ridgewood blog?

Anonymous said...

The blackboard would be good if it worked.

Too many reports of it not functioning properly and no response from Cottage Place to correct it reinforces the perception that the BOE is inept.

Laurie Goodman said...

My son has used Blackboard and never had a problem accessing, etc. I asked a few of his friends and same story. So I never knew there was an issue. But now I'm hearing that some people have had trouble.

I will find out who is the proper person to contact at the Ed Center and see if there is a way to make reporting and resolving problems any easier.

Anonymous said...

My children use the blackboard to review class assignments and homework and test scores at the high school level and it has been very helpful. They have not had any problems with the system. I would like it if 100% of the teachers used blackboard.