
Welcome to Laurie Goodman's blog. I use this space to share news and opinions about education and schools in Ridgewood, the state of New Jersey and the nation, in addition to other issues I'm personally interested in. I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, questions or opinions, too, by posting comments on any blog entry. Please observe basic courtesy -- keep your comments focused on issues, no personal attacks or bullying, please. Contact me directly at: lauriegood@mac.com

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BOE Meeting Notes 8/25

Want some of the highlights from last night's Board of Ed meeting?

At last night's meeting, we had a presentation on Board ethics and our self-evaluation from the NJ School Boards Association. Previously, each of us rated the Board and ourselves on our performance in several areas, such as: planning, policy, student achievement, finance, board operations, board performance, communications, etc. This self-evaluation is mandated by law, but it's also a very good idea even if it weren't required. It's definitely interesting to see how our perspectives differ. I'm sure this document will be useful when we have our Board Retreat 9/15 (see below).

Last night we approved a giant list of all textbooks to be used for the 2008-2009 school year. We will be posting it on the District website soon, in case you're interested.

We also approved a big list of field trips. In the past, the Board approved only overnight field trips, and not day trips. But one of the new state regulations is that we must approve every field trip, even the elementary kids walking downtown, and all those day trips must also be approved by the County Superintendent.

The Board accepted a donation of $80,900 from the Ridge HSA for the replacement of the Ridge playground equipment. Wow ! Great job, Ridge parents! Thank you!

Angelo DeSimone, Business Administrator, made a presentation on behalf of the Facilities Commmittee (of which I'm a member), showing where we're at so far in putting together a list of projects to be included in a bond referendum next year. The district has a lot of needs, and we are working hard to come up with the list. We're focusing on four areas (all of this is POTENTIAL, folks, still up for much discussion and study!):
1) Renovation & Repair of Buildings (every school needs something)
2) Expansion, adding classroom space at GW, Willard, Ridge and Hawes
3) Energy -- Improved Efficiency and/or Generation of Energy
4) Recreation & Field Facilities, both for the education/health of our students and as part of our commitment to work with the community to meet needs

The Facilities Committee will keep meeting to refine a list of projects. We will be discussing portions of the list at every upcoming Board meeting, then we'll be discussing it at HSA meetings and other venues for parent/public input. Please keep an eye out for announcements...check the RPS website...check this blog...keep informed!

So those are the highlights. Our next regular BOE meeting is 9/8, and then we'll be holding a Board "retreat" on 9/15, where we'll focus our discussion on how we operate as a Board, especially relevant in light of our new superintendent, Dr. Fishbein.

As always, please email me or post a message here if you have any questions or comments.


Anonymous said...

great information. Thanks Laurie!

Anonymous said...

Why are we adding space to Hawes when it was expanded only a few years back?

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest that the BOE put online, for all taxpayers and parents to see, the detailed, line item budget for the year.

It can be done as a PDF so that it can be downloaded or viewed online.

After all, it is supposed to be public information.

I know parents requested this from John Porter. of course Bob Hutton was opposed, but Porter being slick as usual praised the idea and said he would look into having it done.

Obviously, "look into" was the operative words. For it was never done.

Let's see what happens when you suggest it. I'll bet you get blow back from DeSimone.

Laurie Goodman said...

8/27 8:49 -- We are right now discussing the POSSIBILITY of expansion needed at Hawes and have not gotten into any specifics yet. (We focused on GW, Ridge and Willard first.) One of the things we're anticipating is the Village Planning Board's decision re: the property at Linwood Ave and Rte. 17. If the proposed 68 (approx.) townhomes are constructed there, that will have an impact on Hawes' enrollment, as families would be expected to move in. In addition, Hawes may have some issues with some activities still taking place in hallways, but I'm not completely sure right now. As I said, we have not met on Hawes yet, but we will soon. We'll discuss it in more detail at an upcoming BOE meeting and I'll update here as well.

Laurie Goodman said...

8/27 8:54 -- I'm not ignoring you on the budget issue...I'm just very busy trying to get my daughter packed and off to college. After I get back, when I say I'll "look into it," I do mean it.

Anonymous said...

Why are we not opening Glen to serve the children in the neighborhood east of 17?

is it because we have found a money making operation by leasing it out?

This is a travesty and undue hardship on parents who live in the Glen district.

Laurie Goodman said...

To answer the question about re-opening Glen School: Just four classrooms (out of 15 total) at Glen are rented out to a private pre-school program, bringing in approx. $129,000 per year. That money is put into the general fund for the District, but it does allow us to make repairs and improvements at Glen as necessary. If you’re wondering what else goes on at Glen: the rest of the classrooms are used for the RED program for handicapped preschoolers, and the Infant Toddler Development Center, which is a daycare program. We are required by law to educate handicapped children starting at age 3, and they must be in the least restrictive environment with non-disabled peers. Enrollment in RED is approx. 60 students, and they interact with the children in the ITDC. It’s a great set-up, and well prepares our disabled preschoolers for their entrance into kindergarten at any of our elementary schools. It’s important to note that as we are seeing an increase in the number of autistic children, we will probably need to consider an autistic preschool program, which would require a couple more classrooms for the RED program.

Re-opening Glen School as a full elementary school would be extremely costly. Renovations would be required to bring it up to elementary school code. We would have to purchase desks, equipment and school supplies, etc., install computer wiring and purchase computers, and stock a complete library. We would increase our annual operating costs by hiring a principal, support staff, nurse, child study team, PE teacher, art teacher and music teacher – in addition to all the classroom teachers. We still have to house the RED program somewhere, so that would leave us only 10 classrooms for the elementary school. And since one or two of those would be needed for special ed services that must be provided in an elementary school, then we’d be down to 8 regular classrooms – not enough for K-5.

In addition to those financial costs, re-opening Glen would require re-districting all our schools to balance enrollments. I’ve heard that the last time we re-districted (when Glen closed), it was extremely disruptive and emotional for the Village. In addition, since current students and siblings are usually allowed to stay at their current schools, it would be many years before we would actually balance our enrollments and realize the benefits.

So hopefully this answers your question. The bottom line is: adding classrooms and small group instruction space to our current elementary schools is more cost effective than re-opening Glen.

Please remember, the Facilities Committee and the Board are currently in the very early stages of determining what projects to include in a bond referendum, and there will be many opportunities for you to ask questions and make comments. I will keep you posted as to where and when (and of course posting here works, too). You can also email me at lauriegood@mac.com.

Anonymous said...

What about the line item school budget posted on the BOE website as a PDF for downloading?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Laurie Goodman said...

"8/27 8:54 -- I'm not ignoring you on the budget issue..."


Laurie Goodman said...

Have you made this request directly to anyone at the Ed Center? I encourage you to follow the "chain of command" for specific requests since, as you may know, individual Board members do not have any power to direct anyone to do anything. This doesn't mean I'm ignoring you and and it doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. On my end, I'll be discussing this in our communications committee soon.